Return Assurance

You have up to 7 days to initiate a return for the item(s) after you receive it. Login to your account and open a return ticket by finding the “Return Items” button on the order details page of your order.
Select the item(s) you wish to return from your order. Choose your preferred refund method and return shipping option.
Ship your item back within 48 hours of receiving a return label. MX Locker issues a full refund once the item arrives back to us in the same condition as originally purchased.


You are protected every time you make a purchase directly through Bikers Mall. We do not cover any transactions completed off our platform.

We will give you a full refund if your item never ships or does not match the listing description. Otherwise, all sales are final. The order becomes nonrefundable as soon as you have approved the sale or 48 hours after the item has arrived at your address, whichever comes first. The policies and systems we have in place to protect you are called Bikers Mall Protect.